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Intentionally well, for a lifetime

At Well by Design, we believe we are all meant to live abundantly, and doing so starts with a healthy, nourished mind + body. When we fuel our bodies with the right things, we feel stronger, more energized, more confident, and empowered to realize our maximum healthy living potential. WbD is devoted to empowering you with the tools to be your healthiest, strongest self, so you can do the things you love with the people you love most. 


"By Design" definition [Merriam-Webster]: 

According to Plan | By Intention | Done with Deliberate Purposive Planning


Synonyms:  Consciously | Willfully | On purpose 


In living Well "by design," we live intentionally and with a purpose in terms of our food choices, stress reduction, exercise, and overall wellness. We can begin to learn our individual needs and goals. We are in tune with the choices that make us feel our best and are motivated to continue making the choices that help us thrive. 


In a world where misinformation is everywhere, Well by Design will dismantle the misconceptions, and give you the tools you need to define your "well life" for long-term success and disease prevention; because while health can be complex, with Well By Design, healthy living doesn't have to be. 


We were all born to live a life of abundance. WbD is here to empower you to create a nourished lifestyle that works for you, so you can live the life you love, by design.


A few things we believe at Well by Design:


  • Diets don't work. That is, diets don't work long term. Wellness is a lifestyle; a marathon, not a sprint. We help you work toward your healthiest self through simple, reasonable and intentional lifestyle changes, not quick fixes.

  • Nutrition is not one-size-fits-all. Each of us has individual needs, goals, and health interests, and we can work together to meet those goals

  • All foods can fit in a healthy lifestyle

    • However, some people may not be able to consume all foods

  • Personalized approaches to nutrition are necessary and key to success

  • Healthy should be fun & easy, and can happen on a budget

  • Food is fuel, but should be more than that- an occasion, a memory, a culture; Embraced & enjoyed. We can live well, be well, and be our best selves on our one and only journey

  • Foods can prevent disease & heal the body

  • With a balanced approach, most of us can meet our nutrient needs through whole foods. 

  • In living by design, there is no "stopping or starting" our wellness journey. All of our choices move us toward our healthiest selves.

  • Living your healthiest life will allow you freedom to meet your goals and live life abundantly in all areas of your life

What we Believe at WBD
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